There’s only one humanity and we are all equally part of it. Why then do we live in a world of “us” and “them”?

For centuries, property defined the social, political, and economic life of the individual. It made a person human.

Today, a person can have a social presence by simply owning things, even without owning property. Still, ownership seems to define our humanity.

People aren’t less human because don’t have a home, or credit card, or a nice car. So why are so many people excluded from social consideration? Why are they ignored by all the entitled people that walk by them and ignore their presence?

A year ago, when I started working on Morning in America, I had no idea where the process would take me. Now, with a set of five images completed, I have hopefully develop more compassion for that mass of humanity that lives in the outsquirts of society.

morning in america
MORNING IN AMERICA. Dreamless sleep is at the root of all fears.

Digital Art, Giclee print on fine art paper, 34 x 24 inch, not framed. Number 1 of a set of 5 images.

Today’s Specal
TODAY'S SPECIAL. Some people choose from a menu, some from a trash can.

Digital Art, Giclee print on fine art paper, 34 x 24 inch, not framed. Number 2 of a set of 5 images.

Sunday Riders
SUNDAY RIDERS. Always on the move.

Digital Art, Giclee print on fine art paper, 34 x 24 inch, not framed. Number 3 of a set of 5 images.

happy hour
HAPPY HOUR. Everybody is having a good time but her.

Digital Art, Giclee print on fine art paper, 34 x 24 inch, not framed. Number 4 of a set of 5 images.

PRIME LOCATION. Affordable housing for the houseless?

Digital Art, Giclee print on fine art paper, 34 x 24 inch, not framed. Number 5 of a set of 5 images.