There’s only one humanity. And we are all equally part of it.
Why then do we live in a world of the “us” and the “them”?
Historically, only those who owned property (in other words land) were considered citizens. The link between property and power defined the social, political, and economic presence of the entitled person.
Today, a person can have a social presence by simply owning things, even without owning property. Still, ownership seems to define our humanity.
But what if we loose those “things”?
People aren’t less human because don’t have a home, or credit card, or a nice car. So why are they excluded from social participation? Why are they ignored by all the entitled people that walk by them and pretend they don’t exist?
A year ago, when I started working on Morning in America, I had no idea where the process would take me. Composing the images became a voyage of discovery and understanding. Now, I realize that for me, there’s no end to this voyage. And it’s so worth it!